
- Analysing an active site
- Building Loops
- Building a functionnal unit from a monomer
- Crystal Symmetries
- Electron Density Maps
- Energy minimisation
- Fitting Residues into Electron Density
- Homology modelling
- Making Phi/Psi statistics
- Superposing Proteins

by N.Guex &
Tutorial : Making Phi/Psi Statistics
In this example, we will display a Ramachandran plot, learn
how to detect CIS amino-acids, and collect some backbone torsion angles.
Step by Step
- First of all, open the pdb file 1ldm (this file is included in the
tutorial package).
- Choose the "non-trans" item of the "Select" menu and click OK.
- Choose the "Show Ramachandran Plot" item of the "Display" menu.
- Choose the "Colour by Type" item of the "Display" menu.
At this stage, you should see something like this.
Now, you can move the dot over any point to know
which residue it is.
- Now, select the "Save" item of the "File" menu. This will write a
tab-tabulated text file containing the omega/phi/psi angles of the currently
selected amino-acids (see below).
entry secondary
name aa struct omega phi psi
1ldm THR -174.042 -113.455 150.350
1ldm GLU -173.445 -67.249 143.847
1ldm LYS -173.490 -95.261 137.654
1ldm ILE H 174.125 -43.002 -49.334
1ldm ASP 174.025 -93.739 -2.536
1ldm PHE -171.111 -98.524 27.250
1ldm LEU -174.899 -148.073 -174.787
1ldm ALA -170.314 -68.300 -23.500
1ldm LYS S -173.173 -142.321 123.422
1ldm TYR H -173.366 -63.933 11.001
1ldm SER 174.528 -75.204 144.844
Obviously, there are too many non-trans residues.
By having selected the default value of 175° in the dialog, you
have selected all slightly distorted residues.
- So, choose the "non-trans" item of the "Select" menu type 90 and click
OK. This will select only residues with an omega torsion angle inferior
to 90° (In the case of 1ldm, only Pro139).
- Hit the "return" key, and then the "=" key of the keypad (right mouse
button for PC users). Now select the "torsion tool" of the main display
window and click on any atom. You will have a numerical feedback of
omega, phi psi angles for this residue.
- If your "Caps-lock" key is down, hit "esc" to exit from this repeated
torsion angles measurement mode.
- An other interesting option is the one allowing to automatically select
residues with bad backbone conformations. You can do so with the "Select
AA with Phi/Psi out of Allowed regions" item of the "Select" menu. In
the case of 1ldm, only three residues other than Gly have unusual backbone
angles (Asp220, Asp276, Gln222) the two first being very close to allowed