
by N.Guex & T.Schwede
Downloading Swiss-PdbViewer
Requested hardware / OS:
- SGI running IRIX 6.5
(5.x versions are no longer supported)
Download Swiss-PdbViewer
v3.7 (4.9 Mb)
Previous versions:
Download Swiss-PdbViewer
v3.7b2 (stable Beta version, 6.0 Mb)
Swiss-PdbViewer v3.5
Beta version Swiss-Pdb
Viewer (v36b3)
- gunzip -c spdbv35-IRIX.tar.gz | tar xf -
- install.sh
Please, note that in this beta version, the keys and shortcuts will best
match the user guide for the Mac version, not for the PC version. However,
the Control-Key is mapped to the right Alt Key. The middle mouse button
can be used to move the molecule, and the right mouse button can be used
to zoom in/out.
[last modified: august 2002 by NG]