Welcome to the web space of the Computational Systems Biology Group. We are integrated in the Systems Biology Program of the National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC). Our group is interested in different aspects of Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Systems Biology. Our goal is to obtain new biological knowledge with an "in-silico" approach which complements the "in-vivo" and "in-vitro" methodologies of Biology. This mainly involves mining the massive amounts of information stored in biological databases.

Model of the p37 protein from T4 phage

Model of a TF-based construct

Sequence determinants of ATP hydrolysis asymmetry in the CCT chaperonins

Evolution of the ecosystem of software tools supporting research in molecular biology

Rational design of a Jasmonate antagonist

Model of A. thaliana COI

Model of the gp17 protein from T7 phage

Extraction of metabolite co-dependencies from metabonomics data

Determinants of the amino-acid racemases substrate specificity

Relationship between protein functional features and mRNA local translation speed

Model of the gp17 protein from T7 phage

Detection of genomic regions with informative epigenetic patterns

Last updates
& changes

The web site was completely redesigned. If you have any comment/suggestion, please let us know.

MBROLE 3.0 - Updated server for the functional analysis of metabolomics datasets. Lopez-Ibañez et al, 2023

CoMentG server for browsing millions of relationships between 9 types of biomedical concepts inferred from the scientific literature. (Novoa et al. 2024)

We have moved all web pages and services to a new web server. If you detect any problem, please let us know.

iFragMent server - Profile-based approach for predicting biological pathways of chemical compounds [Pubmed:34118870]