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EVA summary for category threading, best of first 1 hits
table entries are mean differences between servers ( server in row - server in column )
(...) contain standard error of a mean
[...] contain sample size
green color indicates server on the left is significanltly better than one on the right
red color indicates server on the left is significanltly worse than one on the right
significance level is 0.95 of Student t-distribution
Table for measure Q_LG2
\ | score | 3dpssm | blast | fugue | libellula | prospect | psiblast | samt99 | ssearch | superfamily |
3dpssm | 6 | | 5.1(+/-0.5)[391] | 0.7(+/-0.4)[461] | 0.7(+/-0.8)[141] | 0.4(+/-0.8)[126] | 5.1(+/-0.5)[402] | -0.4(+/-0.6)[174] | 2.2(+/-0.5)[394] | 3.6(+/-0.6)[255] |
blast | -9 | -5.1(+/-0.5)[391] | | -4.8(+/-0.5)[448] | -5.1(+/-1.2)[95] | -5.5(+/-0.9)[80] | -0.3(+/-0.3)[533] | -5.4(+/-0.8)[173] | -3.2(+/-0.4)[521] | -0.9(+/-0.5)[235] |
fugue | 4 | -0.7(+/-0.4)[461] | 4.8(+/-0.5)[448] | | 0.5(+/-0.9)[150] | 0.2(+/-0.7)[147] | 4.3(+/-0.4)[458] | 0.7(+/-0.6)[211] | 1.6(+/-0.5)[450] | 3.5(+/-0.6)[283] |
libellula | 1 | -0.7(+/-0.8)[141] | 5.1(+/-1.2)[95] | -0.5(+/-0.9)[150] | | -0.4(+/-0.8)[97] | 5.2(+/-1.0)[98] | -2.7(+/-1.1)[64] | 1.5(+/-1.4)[98] | 1.8(+/-1.2)[73] |
prospect | 5 | -0.4(+/-0.8)[126] | 5.5(+/-0.9)[80] | -0.2(+/-0.7)[147] | 0.4(+/-0.8)[97] | | 4.5(+/-0.8)[84] | -0.6(+/-1.2)[51] | 2.4(+/-1.3)[81] | 4.7(+/-1.1)[51] |
psiblast | -9 | -5.1(+/-0.5)[402] | 0.3(+/-0.3)[533] | -4.3(+/-0.4)[458] | -5.2(+/-1.0)[98] | -4.5(+/-0.8)[84] | | -5.0(+/-0.8)[175] | -2.9(+/-0.4)[533] | -1.1(+/-0.6)[243] |
samt99 | 6 | 0.4(+/-0.6)[174] | 5.4(+/-0.8)[173] | -0.7(+/-0.6)[211] | 2.7(+/-1.1)[64] | 0.6(+/-1.2)[51] | 5.0(+/-0.8)[175] | | 3.0(+/-0.7)[168] | 2.6(+/-1.3)[97] |
ssearch | -1 | -2.2(+/-0.5)[394] | 3.2(+/-0.4)[521] | -1.6(+/-0.5)[450] | -1.5(+/-1.4)[98] | -2.4(+/-1.3)[81] | 2.9(+/-0.4)[533] | -3.0(+/-0.7)[168] | | 2.6(+/-0.7)[239] |
superfamily | -4 | -3.6(+/-0.6)[255] | 0.9(+/-0.5)[235] | -3.5(+/-0.6)[283] | -1.8(+/-1.2)[73] | -4.7(+/-1.1)[51] | 1.1(+/-0.6)[243] | -2.6(+/-1.3)[97] | -2.6(+/-0.7)[239] | |
Table for measure Q_LG1
\ | score | 3dpssm | blast | fugue | libellula | prospect | psiblast | samt99 | ssearch | superfamily |
3dpssm | 5 | | 10.4(+/-0.7)[391] | 1.0(+/-0.5)[461] | -1.5(+/-1.0)[141] | 0.1(+/-0.8)[126] | 11.3(+/-0.7)[402] | 0.8(+/-0.8)[174] | 0.6(+/-0.5)[394] | 9.1(+/-0.9)[255] |
blast | -8 | -10.4(+/-0.7)[391] | | -9.5(+/-0.7)[448] | -13.3(+/-2.0)[95] | -10.7(+/-1.5)[80] | 0.9(+/-0.7)[533] | -7.5(+/-1.1)[173] | -9.8(+/-0.6)[521] | 0.1(+/-1.0)[235] |
fugue | 0 | -1.0(+/-0.5)[461] | 9.5(+/-0.7)[448] | | -2.6(+/-1.1)[150] | -1.6(+/-0.9)[147] | 10.1(+/-0.7)[458] | 1.3(+/-1.2)[211] | -0.5(+/-0.5)[450] | 8.5(+/-0.9)[283] |
libellula | 5 | 1.5(+/-1.0)[141] | 13.3(+/-2.0)[95] | 2.6(+/-1.1)[150] | | 0.6(+/-1.0)[97] | 14.8(+/-1.8)[98] | 2.0(+/-1.3)[64] | 1.7(+/-1.5)[98] | 10.0(+/-2.1)[73] |
prospect | 5 | -0.1(+/-0.8)[126] | 10.7(+/-1.5)[80] | 1.6(+/-0.9)[147] | -0.6(+/-1.0)[97] | | 11.6(+/-1.4)[84] | 0.7(+/-1.2)[51] | 1.1(+/-1.1)[81] | 12.3(+/-2.7)[51] |
psiblast | -9 | -11.3(+/-0.7)[402] | -0.9(+/-0.7)[533] | -10.1(+/-0.7)[458] | -14.8(+/-1.8)[98] | -11.6(+/-1.4)[84] | | -8.3(+/-1.3)[175] | -10.7(+/-0.6)[533] | -1.9(+/-1.1)[243] |
samt99 | 4 | -0.8(+/-0.8)[174] | 7.5(+/-1.1)[173] | -1.3(+/-1.2)[211] | -2.0(+/-1.3)[64] | -0.7(+/-1.2)[51] | 8.3(+/-1.3)[175] | | -0.5(+/-0.8)[168] | 2.9(+/-1.4)[97] |
ssearch | 4 | -0.6(+/-0.5)[394] | 9.8(+/-0.6)[521] | 0.5(+/-0.5)[450] | -1.7(+/-1.5)[98] | -1.1(+/-1.1)[81] | 10.7(+/-0.6)[533] | 0.5(+/-0.8)[168] | | 9.1(+/-1.0)[239] |
superfamily | -6 | -9.1(+/-0.9)[255] | -0.1(+/-1.0)[235] | -8.5(+/-0.9)[283] | -10.0(+/-2.1)[73] | -12.3(+/-2.7)[51] | 1.9(+/-1.1)[243] | -2.9(+/-1.4)[97] | -9.1(+/-1.0)[239] | |
\ | score | 3dpssm | blast | fugue | libellula | prospect | psiblast | samt99 | ssearch | superfamily |
3dpssm | 9 | | 17.5(+/-1.2)[391] | 1.7(+/-0.9)[461] | 7.7(+/-1.7)[141] | 3.0(+/-2.0)[126] | 17.6(+/-1.1)[402] | 3.0(+/-1.2)[174] | 6.0(+/-1.0)[394] | 12.2(+/-1.4)[255] |
blast | -9 | -17.5(+/-1.2)[391] | | -15.8(+/-1.0)[448] | -12.4(+/-2.8)[95] | -13.7(+/-2.6)[80] | -0.1(+/-0.9)[533] | -16.2(+/-1.7)[173] | -11.3(+/-0.8)[521] | -2.6(+/-1.4)[235] |
fugue | 6 | -1.7(+/-0.9)[461] | 15.8(+/-1.0)[448] | | 9.0(+/-2.3)[150] | 1.2(+/-1.6)[147] | 15.4(+/-1.0)[458] | 4.5(+/-1.2)[211] | 4.2(+/-1.0)[450] | 11.1(+/-1.3)[283] |
libellula | -1 | -7.7(+/-1.7)[141] | 12.4(+/-2.8)[95] | -9.0(+/-2.3)[150] | | -3.6(+/-2.8)[97] | 13.2(+/-2.8)[98] | -17.2(+/-3.3)[64] | -1.5(+/-2.4)[98] | 2.5(+/-3.5)[73] |
prospect | 4 | -3.0(+/-2.0)[126] | 13.7(+/-2.6)[80] | -1.2(+/-1.6)[147] | 3.6(+/-2.8)[97] | | 15.4(+/-2.4)[84] | 4.2(+/-2.8)[51] | 1.9(+/-2.8)[81] | 13.0(+/-3.4)[51] |
psiblast | -9 | -17.6(+/-1.1)[402] | 0.1(+/-0.9)[533] | -15.4(+/-1.0)[458] | -13.2(+/-2.8)[98] | -15.4(+/-2.4)[84] | | -14.6(+/-1.9)[175] | -11.4(+/-0.9)[533] | -4.3(+/-1.4)[243] |
samt99 | 4 | -3.0(+/-1.2)[174] | 16.2(+/-1.7)[173] | -4.5(+/-1.2)[211] | 17.2(+/-3.3)[64] | -4.2(+/-2.8)[51] | 14.6(+/-1.9)[175] | | 5.2(+/-1.5)[168] | 6.0(+/-2.3)[97] |
ssearch | 0 | -6.0(+/-1.0)[394] | 11.3(+/-0.8)[521] | -4.2(+/-1.0)[450] | 1.5(+/-2.4)[98] | -1.9(+/-2.8)[81] | 11.4(+/-0.9)[533] | -5.2(+/-1.5)[168] | | 8.4(+/-1.4)[239] |
superfamily | -4 | -12.2(+/-1.4)[255] | 2.6(+/-1.4)[235] | -11.1(+/-1.3)[283] | -2.5(+/-3.5)[73] | -13.0(+/-3.4)[51] | 4.3(+/-1.4)[243] | -6.0(+/-2.3)[97] | -8.4(+/-1.4)[239] | |
Table for measure N5A_Gbl%
\ | score | 3dpssm | blast | fugue | libellula | prospect | psiblast | samt99 | ssearch | superfamily |
3dpssm | 8 | | 10.5(+/-1.2)[391] | 2.9(+/-1.0)[461] | 3.3(+/-1.7)[141] | 3.4(+/-2.2)[126] | 9.5(+/-1.2)[402] | -1.6(+/-1.4)[174] | 8.4(+/-1.1)[394] | 4.0(+/-1.4)[255] |
blast | -9 | -10.5(+/-1.2)[391] | | -7.8(+/-1.0)[448] | -6.6(+/-2.6)[95] | -5.8(+/-2.8)[80] | -1.1(+/-0.8)[533] | -13.0(+/-1.8)[173] | -2.3(+/-0.7)[521] | -3.3(+/-1.3)[235] |
fugue | 4 | -2.9(+/-1.0)[461] | 7.8(+/-1.0)[448] | | 3.2(+/-2.1)[150] | 0.7(+/-1.8)[147] | 6.2(+/-1.0)[458] | -0.0(+/-1.2)[211] | 5.2(+/-1.1)[450] | 2.6(+/-1.3)[283] |
libellula | 0 | -3.3(+/-1.7)[141] | 6.6(+/-2.6)[95] | -3.2(+/-2.1)[150] | | -0.2(+/-2.6)[97] | 5.8(+/-2.2)[98] | -7.1(+/-2.6)[64] | 3.7(+/-2.7)[98] | -0.6(+/-2.7)[73] |
prospect | 1 | -3.4(+/-2.2)[126] | 5.8(+/-2.8)[80] | -0.7(+/-1.8)[147] | 0.2(+/-2.6)[97] | | 3.9(+/-2.4)[84] | -4.0(+/-3.0)[51] | 2.8(+/-3.2)[81] | 1.6(+/-3.2)[51] |
psiblast | -6 | -9.5(+/-1.2)[402] | 1.1(+/-0.8)[533] | -6.2(+/-1.0)[458] | -5.8(+/-2.2)[98] | -3.9(+/-2.4)[84] | | -10.7(+/-2.0)[175] | -1.3(+/-0.9)[533] | -4.4(+/-1.4)[243] |
samt99 | 6 | 1.6(+/-1.4)[174] | 13.0(+/-1.8)[173] | 0.0(+/-1.2)[211] | 7.1(+/-2.6)[64] | 4.0(+/-3.0)[51] | 10.7(+/-2.0)[175] | | 10.5(+/-1.8)[168] | 4.2(+/-2.5)[97] |
ssearch | -2 | -8.4(+/-1.1)[394] | 2.3(+/-0.7)[521] | -5.2(+/-1.1)[450] | -3.7(+/-2.7)[98] | -2.8(+/-3.2)[81] | 1.3(+/-0.9)[533] | -10.5(+/-1.8)[168] | | -1.2(+/-1.5)[239] |
superfamily | -1 | -4.0(+/-1.4)[255] | 3.3(+/-1.3)[235] | -2.6(+/-1.3)[283] | 0.6(+/-2.7)[73] | -1.6(+/-3.2)[51] | 4.4(+/-1.4)[243] | -4.2(+/-2.5)[97] | 1.2(+/-1.5)[239] | |
\ | score | 3dpssm | blast | fugue | libellula | prospect | psiblast | samt99 | ssearch | superfamily |
3dpssm | 6 | | 15.3(+/-1.1)[391] | 1.3(+/-0.9)[461] | 6.9(+/-1.6)[141] | 2.2(+/-2.0)[126] | 15.1(+/-1.1)[402] | 1.4(+/-1.2)[174] | 6.1(+/-1.0)[394] | 9.9(+/-1.4)[255] |
blast | -9 | -15.3(+/-1.1)[391] | | -13.9(+/-1.0)[448] | -10.2(+/-2.7)[95] | -12.0(+/-2.5)[80] | -0.4(+/-0.8)[533] | -15.2(+/-1.7)[173] | -9.1(+/-0.7)[521] | -2.6(+/-1.3)[235] |
fugue | 8 | -1.3(+/-0.9)[461] | 13.9(+/-1.0)[448] | | 8.7(+/-2.2)[150] | 1.3(+/-1.5)[147] | 13.1(+/-1.0)[458] | 3.7(+/-1.2)[211] | 4.6(+/-1.0)[450] | 9.4(+/-1.2)[283] |
libellula | -1 | -6.9(+/-1.6)[141] | 10.2(+/-2.7)[95] | -8.7(+/-2.2)[150] | | -3.8(+/-2.7)[97] | 10.1(+/-2.7)[98] | -16.0(+/-3.1)[64] | -1.1(+/-2.4)[98] | 1.0(+/-3.2)[73] |
prospect | 4 | -2.2(+/-2.0)[126] | 12.0(+/-2.5)[80] | -1.3(+/-1.5)[147] | 3.8(+/-2.7)[97] | | 12.7(+/-2.4)[84] | 3.9(+/-2.6)[51] | 2.5(+/-2.8)[81] | 11.9(+/-3.1)[51] |
psiblast | -9 | -15.1(+/-1.1)[402] | 0.4(+/-0.8)[533] | -13.1(+/-1.0)[458] | -10.1(+/-2.7)[98] | -12.7(+/-2.4)[84] | | -13.6(+/-1.8)[175] | -8.8(+/-0.9)[533] | -3.6(+/-1.3)[243] |
samt99 | 5 | -1.4(+/-1.2)[174] | 15.2(+/-1.7)[173] | -3.7(+/-1.2)[211] | 16.0(+/-3.1)[64] | -3.9(+/-2.6)[51] | 13.6(+/-1.8)[175] | | 6.5(+/-1.5)[168] | 5.8(+/-2.2)[97] |
ssearch | 0 | -6.1(+/-1.0)[394] | 9.1(+/-0.7)[521] | -4.6(+/-1.0)[450] | 1.1(+/-2.4)[98] | -2.5(+/-2.8)[81] | 8.8(+/-0.9)[533] | -6.5(+/-1.5)[168] | | 6.4(+/-1.4)[239] |
superfamily | -4 | -9.9(+/-1.4)[255] | 2.6(+/-1.3)[235] | -9.4(+/-1.2)[283] | -1.0(+/-3.2)[73] | -11.9(+/-3.1)[51] | 3.6(+/-1.3)[243] | -5.8(+/-2.2)[97] | -6.4(+/-1.4)[239] | |
\ | score | 3dpssm | blast | fugue | libellula | prospect | psiblast | samt99 | ssearch | superfamily |
3dpssm | 4 | | 7.1(+/-1.0)[391] | 1.6(+/-0.8)[461] | 2.2(+/-1.4)[141] | 1.7(+/-1.9)[126] | 6.2(+/-1.0)[402] | -3.0(+/-1.3)[174] | 5.2(+/-1.0)[394] | 1.9(+/-1.2)[255] |
blast | -9 | -7.1(+/-1.0)[391] | | -6.0(+/-0.9)[448] | -4.0(+/-2.2)[95] | -4.4(+/-2.2)[80] | -0.9(+/-0.7)[533] | -11.2(+/-1.6)[173] | -2.0(+/-0.6)[521] | -2.8(+/-1.2)[235] |
fugue | 4 | -1.6(+/-0.8)[461] | 6.0(+/-0.9)[448] | | 3.1(+/-1.8)[150] | 0.6(+/-1.5)[147] | 4.5(+/-0.9)[458] | -0.9(+/-1.1)[211] | 3.5(+/-1.0)[450] | 1.6(+/-1.1)[283] |
libellula | 0 | -2.2(+/-1.4)[141] | 4.0(+/-2.2)[95] | -3.1(+/-1.8)[150] | | -0.5(+/-2.1)[97] | 3.3(+/-1.9)[98] | -6.9(+/-2.4)[64] | 1.4(+/-2.5)[98] | -2.5(+/-2.4)[73] |
prospect | 0 | -1.7(+/-1.9)[126] | 4.4(+/-2.2)[80] | -0.6(+/-1.5)[147] | 0.5(+/-2.1)[97] | | 2.3(+/-1.8)[84] | -5.5(+/-2.3)[51] | 1.9(+/-2.5)[81] | 0.3(+/-2.7)[51] |
psiblast | -6 | -6.2(+/-1.0)[402] | 0.9(+/-0.7)[533] | -4.5(+/-0.9)[458] | -3.3(+/-1.9)[98] | -2.3(+/-1.8)[84] | | -9.7(+/-1.9)[175] | -1.1(+/-0.8)[533] | -4.1(+/-1.2)[243] |
samt99 | 9 | 3.0(+/-1.3)[174] | 11.2(+/-1.6)[173] | 0.9(+/-1.1)[211] | 6.9(+/-2.4)[64] | 5.5(+/-2.3)[51] | 9.7(+/-1.9)[175] | | 9.3(+/-1.6)[168] | 4.1(+/-2.3)[97] |
ssearch | -2 | -5.2(+/-1.0)[394] | 2.0(+/-0.6)[521] | -3.5(+/-1.0)[450] | -1.4(+/-2.5)[98] | -1.9(+/-2.5)[81] | 1.1(+/-0.8)[533] | -9.3(+/-1.6)[168] | | -0.9(+/-1.3)[239] |
superfamily | 1 | -1.9(+/-1.2)[255] | 2.8(+/-1.2)[235] | -1.6(+/-1.1)[283] | 2.5(+/-2.4)[73] | -0.3(+/-2.7)[51] | 4.1(+/-1.2)[243] | -4.1(+/-2.3)[97] | 0.9(+/-1.3)[239] | |
Table for measure -lnP_MMT
\ | score | 3dpssm | blast | fugue | libellula | prospect | psiblast | samt99 | ssearch | superfamily |
3dpssm | 8 | | 2.7(+/-0.2)[391] | 0.4(+/-0.2)[461] | 0.4(+/-0.3)[141] | -0.0(+/-0.3)[126] | 2.2(+/-0.2)[402] | 0.9(+/-0.3)[174] | 2.0(+/-0.2)[394] | 1.4(+/-0.3)[255] |
blast | -10 | -2.7(+/-0.2)[391] | | -2.3(+/-0.2)[448] | -1.9(+/-0.5)[95] | -2.2(+/-0.5)[80] | -0.6(+/-0.1)[533] | -3.2(+/-0.4)[173] | -0.7(+/-0.1)[521] | -1.0(+/-0.2)[235] |
fugue | 6 | -0.4(+/-0.2)[461] | 2.3(+/-0.2)[448] | | 0.8(+/-0.3)[150] | 0.1(+/-0.3)[147] | 1.8(+/-0.2)[458] | 0.6(+/-0.3)[211] | 1.6(+/-0.2)[450] | 1.1(+/-0.3)[283] |
libellula | 1 | -0.4(+/-0.3)[141] | 1.9(+/-0.5)[95] | -0.8(+/-0.3)[150] | | -0.2(+/-0.4)[97] | 1.6(+/-0.4)[98] | -1.0(+/-0.5)[64] | 1.3(+/-0.4)[98] | 0.8(+/-0.5)[73] |
prospect | 5 | 0.0(+/-0.3)[126] | 2.2(+/-0.5)[80] | -0.1(+/-0.3)[147] | 0.2(+/-0.4)[97] | | 1.9(+/-0.4)[84] | 0.4(+/-0.7)[51] | 1.7(+/-0.5)[81] | 1.4(+/-0.5)[51] |
psiblast | -6 | -2.2(+/-0.2)[402] | 0.6(+/-0.1)[533] | -1.8(+/-0.2)[458] | -1.6(+/-0.4)[98] | -1.9(+/-0.4)[84] | | -2.0(+/-0.4)[175] | -0.1(+/-0.1)[533] | -0.9(+/-0.2)[243] |
samt99 | 2 | -0.9(+/-0.3)[174] | 3.2(+/-0.4)[173] | -0.6(+/-0.3)[211] | 1.0(+/-0.5)[64] | -0.4(+/-0.7)[51] | 2.0(+/-0.4)[175] | | 2.2(+/-0.4)[168] | 0.9(+/-0.6)[97] |
ssearch | -5 | -2.0(+/-0.2)[394] | 0.7(+/-0.1)[521] | -1.6(+/-0.2)[450] | -1.3(+/-0.4)[98] | -1.7(+/-0.5)[81] | 0.1(+/-0.1)[533] | -2.2(+/-0.4)[168] | | -0.3(+/-0.3)[239] |
superfamily | -1 | -1.4(+/-0.3)[255] | 1.0(+/-0.2)[235] | -1.1(+/-0.3)[283] | -0.8(+/-0.5)[73] | -1.4(+/-0.5)[51] | 0.9(+/-0.2)[243] | -0.9(+/-0.6)[97] | 0.3(+/-0.3)[239] | |
Table for measure Z_CE
\ | score | 3dpssm | blast | fugue | libellula | prospect | psiblast | samt99 | ssearch | superfamily |
3dpssm | 6 | | 0.8(+/-0.1)[391] | 0.0(+/-0.0)[461] | 0.5(+/-0.1)[141] | -0.0(+/-0.1)[126] | 0.7(+/-0.1)[402] | -0.0(+/-0.1)[174] | 0.3(+/-0.1)[394] | 0.4(+/-0.1)[255] |
blast | -9 | -0.8(+/-0.1)[391] | | -0.7(+/-0.1)[448] | -0.4(+/-0.2)[95] | -0.7(+/-0.2)[80] | -0.1(+/-0.0)[533] | -0.7(+/-0.1)[173] | -0.4(+/-0.0)[521] | -0.1(+/-0.1)[235] |
fugue | 9 | -0.0(+/-0.0)[461] | 0.7(+/-0.1)[448] | | 0.8(+/-0.1)[150] | 0.2(+/-0.1)[147] | 0.6(+/-0.1)[458] | 0.2(+/-0.1)[211] | 0.3(+/-0.1)[450] | 0.4(+/-0.1)[283] |
libellula | -2 | -0.5(+/-0.1)[141] | 0.4(+/-0.2)[95] | -0.8(+/-0.1)[150] | | -0.6(+/-0.2)[97] | 0.5(+/-0.2)[98] | -1.4(+/-0.2)[64] | -0.1(+/-0.2)[98] | -0.2(+/-0.2)[73] |
prospect | 4 | 0.0(+/-0.1)[126] | 0.7(+/-0.2)[80] | -0.2(+/-0.1)[147] | 0.6(+/-0.2)[97] | | 0.7(+/-0.1)[84] | 0.1(+/-0.2)[51] | 0.3(+/-0.2)[81] | 0.4(+/-0.2)[51] |
psiblast | -8 | -0.7(+/-0.1)[402] | 0.1(+/-0.0)[533] | -0.6(+/-0.1)[458] | -0.5(+/-0.2)[98] | -0.7(+/-0.1)[84] | | -0.6(+/-0.1)[175] | -0.4(+/-0.1)[533] | -0.2(+/-0.1)[243] |
samt99 | 5 | 0.0(+/-0.1)[174] | 0.7(+/-0.1)[173] | -0.2(+/-0.1)[211] | 1.4(+/-0.2)[64] | -0.1(+/-0.2)[51] | 0.6(+/-0.1)[175] | | 0.4(+/-0.1)[168] | 0.2(+/-0.1)[97] |
ssearch | 0 | -0.3(+/-0.1)[394] | 0.4(+/-0.0)[521] | -0.3(+/-0.1)[450] | 0.1(+/-0.2)[98] | -0.3(+/-0.2)[81] | 0.4(+/-0.1)[533] | -0.4(+/-0.1)[168] | | 0.2(+/-0.1)[239] |
superfamily | -5 | -0.4(+/-0.1)[255] | 0.1(+/-0.1)[235] | -0.4(+/-0.1)[283] | 0.2(+/-0.2)[73] | -0.4(+/-0.2)[51] | 0.2(+/-0.1)[243] | -0.2(+/-0.1)[97] | -0.2(+/-0.1)[239] | |
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