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Class DragText


class DragText
extends DragCanvas

Variable Index

 o Bold
 o Centered
 o Italic
 o Multiline
 o Shaded
 o Size
 o Text
 o TextColor
 o textFont

Constructor Index

 o DragText(String, int, int, int, Color)
construct a text (s) at position (x,y) of size(sis) and color(c)

Method Index

 o Intersects(int, int)
point(x,y) intersects current object?
 o paint(Graphics)
paint text, for shaded, simply paint twice with a displacement
 o paintText(Graphics, String, int, int, int, boolean)
calculate line width, etc, paint line by line if needed - nothing exciting ...
 o setBold(boolean)
 o setCentered(boolean)
 o setColor(Color)
 o setItalic(boolean)
 o setMultiline(boolean)
 o setShaded(boolean)
 o setText(String)
 o setWidth(int)
 o updateFont()


 o Size
 private int Size
 o TextColor
 private Color TextColor
 o Text
 private String Text
 o Multiline
 private boolean Multiline
 o Centered
 private boolean Centered
 o Shaded
 private boolean Shaded
 o Italic
 private boolean Italic
 o Bold
 private boolean Bold
 o textFont
 private Font textFont


 o DragText
 DragText(String s,
          int x,
          int y,
          int sis,
          Color c)
construct a text (s) at position (x,y) of size(sis) and color(c)


 o setColor
 public void setColor(Color c)
 o setShaded
 public void setShaded(boolean Value)
 o setBold
 public void setBold(boolean Value)
 o setItalic
 public void setItalic(boolean Value)
 o setMultiline
 public void setMultiline(boolean Value)
 o setCentered
 public void setCentered(boolean Value)
 o setWidth
 public void setWidth(int iWidth)
 o setText
 public void setText(String Value)
 o Intersects
 public boolean Intersects(int x,
                           int y)
point(x,y) intersects current object?

Intersects in class DragCanvas
 o updateFont
 protected void updateFont()
 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
paint text, for shaded, simply paint twice with a displacement

paint in class DragCanvas
 o paintText
 public void paintText(Graphics g,
                       String s,
                       int x,
                       int y,
                       int w,
                       boolean center)
calculate line width, etc, paint line by line if needed - nothing exciting ...

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