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Class DragCanvas


class DragCanvas
extends Canvas

Variable Index

 o Dragging
 o dragXPos
dragging/not dragging and drag position
 o Height
 o MouseX
last mouse move position
 o MouseY
 o tenFont
 o twelveFont
 o Width
 o XPos
(XPos,YPos) - leftmost upper corner of the object of Width and Height
 o YPos

Constructor Index

 o DragCanvas()

Method Index

 o Intersects(int, int)
point(x,y) intersects current object?
 o isDragging()
 o mouseMove(Event, int, int)
 o paint(Graphics)
frame the current object, place location information if framed, etc
 o resetDragging(boolean)
drag modifiers, standard method as used in Win32 API
 o setDPos(int, int, int, int)
set the relative drag position
 o setDragging(boolean)


 o XPos
 protected int XPos
(XPos,YPos) - leftmost upper corner of the object of Width and Height

 o YPos
 protected int YPos
 o Width
 protected int Width
 o Height
 protected int Height
 o dragXPos
 private Point dragXPos
dragging/not dragging and drag position

 o Dragging
 protected boolean Dragging
 o MouseX
 protected int MouseX
last mouse move position

 o MouseY
 protected int MouseY
 o twelveFont
 protected Font twelveFont
 o tenFont
 protected Font tenFont


 o DragCanvas


 o mouseMove
 public boolean mouseMove(Event evt,
                          int x,
                          int y)
mouseMove in class Component
 o resetDragging
 public void resetDragging(boolean Value)
drag modifiers, standard method as used in Win32 API

 o setDragging
 public boolean setDragging(boolean Value)
 o isDragging
 public boolean isDragging()
 o Intersects
 public boolean Intersects(int x,
                           int y)
point(x,y) intersects current object?

 o setDPos
 public void setDPos(int iXPos,
                     int iYPos,
                     int w,
                     int h)
set the relative drag position

 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
frame the current object, place location information if framed, etc

paint in class Canvas
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