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Class BaseGraph


class BaseGraph
extends DragCanvas

Variable Index

 o Axis
 o Border
 o BorderColor
 o c4
 o ex
 o ey
 o FColor
 o fv
 o Grid
 o hx
 o hy
 o i
 o j
 o k
 o l4
 o Legend
 o ll
 o maxcol
 o maxlig
 o Ortho
 o Peeks
 o PrevPoint
 o px
 o py
 o r
 o Scale
 o scaleStr
 o scaleX
 o scaleY
 o sv
 o tv
 o u
 o Wire
 o x
 o xa
 o Xmax
(Xmin,Ymin) (XMax,YMax) bounds of series of points
 o Xmin
 o xPoints
 o XpPoly
 o xx
 o y
 o ya
 o Ymax
 o Ymin
 o yPoints
 o YpPoly
 o yy

Constructor Index

 o BaseGraph(int, int, int, int)
graph constructor

Method Index

 o calcAxis()
graph charting algorithm
 o calcRealX(int)
calculate a real X/Y value from a plotted point same for Y
 o calcRealY(int)
 o calcRelX(float)
calculate a relative point from a real value same for Y
 o calcRelY(float)
 o drawPeekPoint(Graphics, float, float)
draw a rounded Peek
 o drawPoint(Graphics, float, float, Color)
draw a point, dot if Peeks, join if Wire and fill otherwise
 o getAxis()
 o getBorder()
 o getBorderColor()
 o getColor()
 o getGrid()
 o getLegend()
 o getOrtho()
 o getPeeks()
 o getScale()
 o getWire()
 o paintAxis(Graphics)
paint X and Y axis
 o setAxis(boolean)
Graph Axis
 o setBorder(boolean)
Graph Border
 o setBorderColor(Color)
border color
 o setColor(Color)
Graph Color
 o setGrid(boolean)
Graph Grid
 o setLegend(boolean)
Graph Legend
 o setOrtho(boolean)
Graph Orthonorm (proportional)
 o setPeeks(boolean)
Graph Peeks
 o setScale(boolean)
show scaling values
 o setWire(boolean)
Wire or Fill


 o Xmax
 protected float Xmax
(Xmin,Ymin) (XMax,YMax) bounds of series of points

 o Ymax
 protected float Ymax
 o Xmin
 protected float Xmin
 o Ymin
 protected float Ymin
 o ex
 protected double ex
 o ey
 protected double ey
 o xa
 protected long xa
 o ya
 protected long ya
 o FColor
 private Color FColor
 o Legend
 protected boolean Legend
 o Peeks
 protected boolean Peeks
 o Border
 protected boolean Border
 o Axis
 protected boolean Axis
 o Grid
 protected boolean Grid
 o Ortho
 protected boolean Ortho
 o Scale
 protected boolean Scale
 o BorderColor
 protected Color BorderColor
 o Wire
 protected boolean Wire
 o xx
 double xx
 o yy
 double yy
 o ll
 double ll
 o px
 double px
 o py
 double py
 o u
 double u
 o r
 double r
 o i
 int i
 o j
 int j
 o k
 int k
 o c4
 int c4
 o l4
 int l4
 o hx
 int hx
 o hy
 int hy
 o x
 int x
 o y
 int y
 o maxcol
 int maxcol
 o maxlig
 int maxlig
 o fv
 int fv
 o sv
 int sv
 o tv
 int tv
 o xPoints
 private int xPoints[]
 o yPoints
 private int yPoints[]
 o scaleStr
 private String scaleStr
 o scaleX
 private int scaleX
 o scaleY
 private int scaleY
 o PrevPoint
 protected Point PrevPoint
 o XpPoly
 private int XpPoly[]
 o YpPoly
 private int YpPoly[]


 o BaseGraph
 public BaseGraph(int iXPos,
                  int iYPos,
                  int iWidth,
                  int iHeight)
graph constructor


 o setColor
 public boolean setColor(Color Value)
Graph Color

 o getColor
 public Color getColor()
 o setLegend
 public boolean setLegend(boolean Value)
Graph Legend

 o getLegend
 public boolean getLegend()
 o setPeeks
 public boolean setPeeks(boolean Value)
Graph Peeks

 o getPeeks
 public boolean getPeeks()
 o setBorder
 public boolean setBorder(boolean Value)
Graph Border

 o getBorder
 public boolean getBorder()
 o setAxis
 public boolean setAxis(boolean Value)
Graph Axis

 o getAxis
 public boolean getAxis()
 o setGrid
 public boolean setGrid(boolean Value)
Graph Grid

 o getGrid
 public boolean getGrid()
 o setOrtho
 public boolean setOrtho(boolean Value)
Graph Orthonorm (proportional)

 o getOrtho
 public boolean getOrtho()
 o setScale
 public boolean setScale(boolean Value)
show scaling values

 o getScale
 public boolean getScale()
 o setBorderColor
 public boolean setBorderColor(Color Value)
border color

 o getBorderColor
 public Color getBorderColor()
 o setWire
 public boolean setWire(boolean Value)
Wire or Fill

 o getWire
 public boolean getWire()
 o calcAxis
 protected void calcAxis()
graph charting algorithm

 o paintAxis
 protected void paintAxis(Graphics g)
paint X and Y axis

 o calcRealX
 protected float calcRealX(int x)
calculate a real X/Y value from a plotted point same for Y

 o calcRealY
 protected float calcRealY(int y)
 o calcRelX
 protected int calcRelX(float x)
calculate a relative point from a real value same for Y

 o calcRelY
 protected int calcRelY(float y)
 o drawPeekPoint
 protected void drawPeekPoint(Graphics g,
                              float x,
                              float y)
draw a rounded Peek

 o drawPoint
 protected void drawPoint(Graphics g,
                          float x,
                          float y,
                          Color color)
draw a point, dot if Peeks, join if Wire and fill otherwise

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