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EVA fr results for: Libellula month: 2003_10 bestof 5 hits

METHOD about: ../../../doc/explain_methods.html#PX_about_libellula
METHOD url: Libellula
TYPE : fr
NPROT : 159
NOTE 1 : here ALL results obtained for Libellula in month 2003_10 are given, i.e. NOT those for a common subset!
NOTE 2 : all proteins evaluated had no SIGNIFICANT sequence identity to any protein of previously known structure!

Averages over all proteins month 2003_10

Averages over all proteins
type date Target -lnP_MMT Z_CE Q_LG1 Q_LG2 N3.5A_Gbl% N5A_Gbl% ModN% ServScore N3.5A_ext_CE% N5A_ext_CE% TgtN
fr2003_10THIS_month:psum9.53.5 20.36774801717685
fr2003_10THIS_month:psum9.53.5 20.36774801717685

Notations used (detailed explanation)

psum  percentage over all proteins
sig  standard deviation
errsig significant difference (to distinguish between two methods)
type   prediction type
date   date when added [yyyy_mm_dd]
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