Correlated Mutations Contain Information About Protein-Protein Interaction.

Florencio Pazos1, Manuela Helmer Citterich2, Gabriele Ausiello2 and Alfonso Valencia1*.

1 Protein Design Group. CNB-CSIC.

2 Dipartimento di Biologia. U. di Roma "Tor Vergata". Rome.

* corresponding author.

Alfonso Valencia. Protein Design Group. CNB-CSIC. Campus U. Autónoma. Cantoblanco. Madrid 28049.

Tfn. +34-1-585 45 70, Fax. +34-1-585 45 06.

e-mail ""

Keywords: Correlated Mutations, Protein Contacts, Docking, Co-Adaptation, Hsc70.

Abbreviations: RMS, root mean square deviation. Xd, harmonic difference between binned populations.

Running Title: Protein docking and correlated mutations.


Many proteins have evolved to form specific molecular complexes and the specificity of this interaction is essential for their function. The network of the necessary inter-residue contacts must consequently constrain the protein sequences to some extent. In other words, the sequence of an interacting protein must reflect the consequence of this process of adaptation. It is reasonable to assume that the sequence changes accumulated during the evolution of one of the interacting protein must be compensated by changes in the other.

Here we apply a method for detecting correlated changes in multiple sequence alignments to a set of interacting protein domains and show that positions where changes occur in a correlated fashion in the two interacting molecules tend to be close to the protein-protein interfaces. This leads to the possibility of developing a method for predicting contacting pairs of residues from the sequence alone. Such a method would not need the knowledge of the structure of the interacting proteins, and hence would be both radically different and more widely applicable than traditional docking methods.

We indeed demonstrate here that the information about correlated sequence changes is sufficient to single out the right inter-domain docking solution amongst many wrong alternatives of two-domain proteins. The same approach is also used here in one case (haemoglobin) where we attempt to predict the interface of two different proteins rather than two protein domains. Finally, we report here a prediction about the inter-domain contact regions of the heat- shock protein Hsc70 based only on sequence information.


The protein-protein interaction problem.

Molecular recognition is a key process in biological systems. The order and control of protein-protein interactions in signalling pathways and metabolic networks are important aspects of molecular biology and biochemistry. DNA-replication and transcription, RNA splicing, protein sorting, cell adhesion, signalling cascades and metabolic cycles are just some examples of the many complex processes dominated by protein-protein recognition.

The unravelling of this complex process requires two major steps. First, it is necessary to find the interacting proteins in the cell soup, (e.g. the long quest for the downstream effectors in the ras-p21 signalling cascade); and second, to describe at the molecular level how the interaction takes place , e.g. how and where ras-p21 interacts with the raf-kinase and how conformational changes related with GTP-hydrolysis control the interaction between the proteins.

The first issue of searching for the interacting components in a functional complex is a daily problem for experimental biology but has remained so far untouched from the theoretical point of view. The problem of describing and predicting the molecular complexes in detail, also known as the 'docking problem' has instead attracted a great deal of attention and has led to the development of several different theoretical methods.

Current physical approaches to the docking problem.

Docking has attracted much attention (for recent reviews see Lengauer & Rarey, 1996; Strynadka et al., 1996). Undoubtedly, progress has been made, and some methods are ready for challenges as the prediction of the interaction between lactamase and one of its inhibitors. It was accomplished quite successfully by 6 different groups (Strynadka et al., 1996), or the more recent CASP-2 meeting (WWW: All current docking methods require the three-dimensional structures of the interacting proteins to be known. In all methods, the interacting surfaces are described by different physical properties (Connolly surfaces, grids, protein slices, property-vectors, etc.) to allow the identification of geometrically complementary regions between the two proteins (Cherfils et al., 1991; Fisher et al., 1995; Helmer-Citterich & Tramontano, 1994; Jackson & Sternberg, 1995; Jiang & Kim, 1991; Shoichet & Kuntz, 1991; Stoddard & Koshland, 1992; Walls & Sternberg, 1992, Katchalski-Katzir et al., 1992).

Most algorithms treat proteins as rigid bodies and only in a few cases protein flexibility is taken into account (Totrov & Abagyan, 1994; O'Donoghue & Nilges, personal communication). Flexibility is an inherent difficulty in the docking problem since most inter-protein complexes undergo induced-fit movements upon binding, and hence a rigid body description of the individual components may not be accurate enough to predict the structure of the final complex.

Docking methods and the characteristics of protein interfaces.

It is generally accepted that the physical principles underlying protein folding and protein-protein association are similar. This belief is supported by detailed studies of similarities in the packing of protein interfaces and protein interiors (Walls & Sternberg, 1992), and similarities in the overall resemblance of the hydrophobicity patterns (Young et al., 1994). However, our understanding of the peculiar characteristics of protein-protein interaction is still very limited. Earlier attempts to study complementary surfaces between proteins (Argos, 1988; Janin & Chothia, 1990; Janin et al., 1988) were hampered by the lack of experimental data. More recent studies (Jones & Thornton, 1996; Tsai et al., 1996) are for the first time providing tools for a systematic approach to the characterisation of protein-protein interfaces by rigorous scanning of data bases of protein complexes.

The study of the evolution of oligomerisation has also become an important issue and the first ideas about the origin of the adaptation in protein complexes from the initial components are emerging (Fletterick & Bazan, 1995; Bennett et al., 1995).

A new approach to predict protein-protein contact regions based on sequence information.

We propose here a new and completely different approach to the study and prediction of protein-protein interaction. Instead of considering the structural nature of the interactions, we try to detect the sequence traces that evolution may have left on the interacting sequences during the process of preserving the protein-protein interaction sites. Therefore, our approach is not restricted to the cases in which the structures of the proteins to be docked are known and is applicable to any family of interacting proteins for which a large enough sequence family is available.

Sequence information and the process of protein-protein co-adaptation.

There is a common agreement among researchers that interacting proteins undergo a process of co-evolution. "Over time, amino acid substitution may stabilise an interface that does not exist in the closed monomer ... stabilising mutations in these interface would be favoured in natural selection" (Bennett et al., 1995), however no explicit strategy has been proposed for detecting the traces of this process from protein sequences. We propose that it is possible to detect this signal by studying compensatory mutations. In order to do so, we have appropriately modified our previously published method for the calculation of correlated mutations in multiple-sequence alignments (Göbel et al., 1994; Pazos et al., 1997).

Defining correlated mutations.

Several groups have studied correlated mutations: technical differences between different approaches have led to conflicting conclusions about the nature and intensity of this phenomena (Altschuh et al., 1987; Altschuh et al., 1988; Göbel et al., 1994; Neher, 1994; Shindyalov et al., 1994; Taylor & Hatrick, 1994). Thus, it is important to define exactly our notion of correlated mutations. In this and previous work, we have used the term correlated mutations to indicate a tendency of positions in proteins to mutate co-ordinately. We measure this tendency by analysing the correlation between changes in pairs of positions in multiple sequence alignments, with an unambiguous definition of correlation (see Methods).

Biological meaning of compensatory mutations.

There is clear experimental support for the role of compensating mutations in protein stability (Serrano et al., 1990) and function (Gregoret & Sauer, 1993). Vernet et al. (1992) directly tested the influence in protein stability of some pairs of correlated mutations. We believe that the signal detected by our method corresponds mainly to networks of positions that have undergone compensating mutations during evolution. If interactions between proteins are of the same physical nature as intra-protein interactions, then their consequences at the sequence level are most likely also similar. Therefore, we apply our method, which we have previously used to predict contacts in globular proteins, (Göbel et al., 1994; Pazos et al., 1997) to the problem of predicting interactions between proteins. As we will show here, the signal at the sequence level for inter-protein contacts turns out to be even more specific than that for intra-protein contacts, possibly because it is subject to a stronger selective pressure.

Testing the method.

The purpose of this work is to test the feasibility of a sequence-based approach to the prediction of interacting regions in protein complexes. To do so, we first show that correlated pairs between two different proteins are significantly closer to each other than other pairs of positions in the same proteins, and second that they can be used to discriminate the correct docking solutions among many alternative wrong ones in proteins of known structure. We then carry out a bona-fide prediction of the yet unknown interaction site between the two domains of Hsc70 heat shock protein


The results are presented in the following order:

In section I, we demonstrate that correlated mutations do contain information about inter-domain contacts. We tested our method mainly for inter-domain interactions to take advantage of the larger set of examples of proteins of known structure for which many homologous sequences are available. As it will be described in detail later, we demonstrate that, on average, pairs of residues detected as 'correlated' by our method are closer to each other than the average pairs of residues in the same protein.

Section II shows how the correlated mutation analysis can be used to identify docking solutions very close to the native solution from many wrong solutions. The aim of this experiment is to empirically evaluate how much information about inter-domain contacts is contained in correlated mutations. It is important to remember that we are not attempting to replace existing docking methods based on structural information; we only want to establish that correlated mutations are good indicators of contacting residues. Our results should not be compared to any current docking method. The docking algorithm here is only used as a rapid tool to generate many alternative 'reasonable' solutions. In a first set of experiments, we generated thousands of alternative solutions that fully cover the space of possible solutions without any attempt to increase the number of solutions close to the real docking position. The second set of experiments corresponds to a more demanding test since in this case the set of solutions among which we want to discriminate consists of hundreds of physically realistic solutions, corresponding to the best scoring complementary surfaces calculated with a standard docking program.

Section III contains the results obtained for the complex between a and b haemoglobin, a test selected to prove that our method has similar performances when applied to inter- protein as well as inter-domain contacts. A more complete test of protein-protein complexes is prevented by the very limited availability of data on protein-protein complexes where both the structure and a sufficient number of aligned sequences for the same species (see later) are known.

Finally, in section IV, a bona-fide prediction is reported. Sequence information is used to predict the contacting residues between the two domains of the heat-shock protein Hsc70. This prediction is used to illustrate the novel feature of our approach: that prediction can be made in the absence of structural information. The example is also biologically relevant: the function of Hsc70 is based on the interaction between its two domains. The N-terminal (Nt) domain contains the ATP binding site, while the C-terminal (Ct) domain is mainly responsible for peptide binding (Chappel et al., 1987; Gragerov et al., 1994; Montgomery et al., 1993) . The interaction between the two domains generates the biological functions of peptide binding and release (McCarty et al., 1995) . The structure of both isolated domains (Nt domain if hsc70: Flaherty et al., 1990; Ct terminal domain of its related protein DnaK: Zhu et al., 1996) has been solved, although the Ct domain structure is not yet publicly available. This is an appropriate moment for a bona fide prediction since the structure of the complex has not yet been solved and 'classical' docking methods cannot be used until both structures are available.

I.- Prediction of domain-domain contacts for different protein families.

We have previously shown that in single domain proteins correlated residues tend to be closer than other residues (Göbel et al., 1994). This general result is illustrated in Figure 1a for papain (9pap, Kamphuis et al. 1984). In the figure we compare the distribution of the distances between pairs of correlated residues with that of the distances between all pairs of residues in each of the domains of papain. The distribution shows a clear shift of the population of correlated positions toward closer distances. This example supports our earlier conclusion that, in globular proteins, correlated positions are statistically closer than non-correlated positions.

The spatial proximity of correlated positions inside globular proteins can be extended to the proximity of correlated positions belonging to two different domains. The actual values of inter-domain distances for all residues and for correlated positions belonging to two different domains for papain are compared in Figure 1b. Once again a clear shift of the correlated pairs toward smaller distances is observed. This shift indicates that correlated positions have a tendency to be closer to the inter-domain interface. In order to quantify the difference between the population of distances between correlated pairs and that of all other pairs, we define the parameter Xd, as the harmonic difference between the two bined populations (see Methods).

Table I shows the results for a set of 21 proteins with two domains. In almost all cases, the population of correlated pairs inside the individual domains (domain I or domain II) is shifted toward smaller distances as indicated by large positive Xd values. There are four exceptions in which the second domains have negative or very small Xd values. We suspect that this may be due to imprecise definitions of domain boundaries leading to non perfectly globular proteins, with distorted residue distance distributions.

Table I also shows that correlated positions between the two protein domains are, on average, closer than non-correlated positions, with positive Xd values for 17 out of the 21 cases. In this table, proteins are divided into three categories according to their degree of interaction, from weakly to strongly interacting domains (disjoin, conjoin and interacting, following Sowdhamini & Blundell (1994). Correlated positions are only closer when there is a real association between domains, as demonstrated by higher Xd values for interacting domains than for any of the other two categories.

One particular example may illustrate the differences found in the analysis of domains with different degree of the interaction. In two crystal forms of Calmodulin (PDB code 3cln, Babu et al., 1988 and 1clm, Rao et al., 1993) the two protein domains do not interact, the closest residues belonging to different domains are more than 24 Å apart. When using this structure to calculate the distance distributions, correlated mutations cannot be much closer than the rest of the residues, and in fact the Xd value is only 2.19 (Table I and Figure 2a). These crystal structures represent only one of two alternate forms of Calmodulin. A different form is observed (2bbm, Ikura et al., 1992) where the two domains embrace a bound peptide substrate. When this 'closed' form of Calmodulin is used to calculate distances, correlated residues are closer than non-correlated ones with a Xd value of 4.53 (Table I and Figure 2b). This value is in good agreement with that measured for weakly-interacting domains of other proteins. In other words, in calmodulin, correlated mutations contain information about inter-domain contacts, and these are related to the interactions observed in the closed structure.

The observation that correlated positions tend to be closer to domain interfaces only in truly interacting domains could be interpreted as an indication of the physical nature of correlated positions as compensatory mutations since compensation can only occur when physical contact between interacting residues has led them to co-evolve.

II.- The information about correlated positions may be sufficient for selecting the correct inter-domain docking solutions among many alternative possibilities.

We generated a large number (7440) of random solutions for the docking of two interacting protein domains (Figure 3) in order to cover as thoroughly and evenly as possible the protein surface with physically realistic solutions, and tried to single out the correct orientation using correlated mutations. The right docking solutions are clearly distinguished from the random alternatives (Figure 3).

Because of the nature of our calculation, we are able to detect the solutions that best fit the observed pattern of correlation. This implies that, even if the right solution were not present in our set, the solutions closer to it would be identifiable. In fact, correlated positions tend to be found closer in space also in non-optimal solutions whose docking orientation is similar to the correct one.

To illustrate the first point, we compared the Xd values for the best solutions (lower RMS from the correct orientation) with the rest of the distribution. Even if these solutions are relatively far apart from the real solution (average RMS values of 10.02 and 14.07Å) they have high Xd values (averages of 3.06 and 2.11). With these Xd values, they can be clearly distinguished from the bulk of the random solutions. Conversely, the 10 solutions having a higher Xd value have average RMS values of 27.24 and 20.97, clearly smaller than the average values for all other random solutions (34.88 and 45.44Å, respectively).

We also designed a second more demanding experiment. Instead of random docking solutions we chose the best hundred solutions generated with a standard docking program based on surface complementary (ESCHER, see Methods). Each one of these solutions is an alternative to the real solution and corresponds to local optima of surface complementarity (see Methods).

The results for all the proteins with strong inter-domain interaction in Table I (labelled as interacting domains in Table I) are given in Figure 4. First, there is a general correlation between RMS and discrimination by correlated mutations (Xd). With two exceptions (2gcr and 3adk), correct docking solutions with low RMS values have larger Xd values than other docking solutions with larger RMS values.

Results are quantified in Table II. Correct docking solutions are always among the best 15% of all solutions, with the two exceptions mentioned above. We define as 'correct' those solutions with an RMS lower than 5Å from the experimental structure, since they represent only small differences in rotation of the two domains; this can be considered as the limits of resolution of the sequence-based method. Using this more relaxed criteria, then at least one right docking solution is found among the 8% best Xd values in 11 of the 14 cases.

For three examples, sequence information does not seem to be sufficient to discriminate among alternate docking solutions; the two mentioned before (2gcr and 3adk) and 2pf2, (where the docking method did not find any valid alternative solution close to the experimental structure). After visual inspection our interpretation is that highly symmetrical or elongated complexes are difficult for out method. It is imaginable that in a very elongated thin protein alternative docking in two opposed faces will give very high RMS values, while the distance between correlated pairs may be very similar in both of them.

Figure 5a shows some of the solutions for papain (9pap). The solution at 5Å RMS is very close to the real solution for any biological application. A solution of high RMS shows how correlated pairs are clearly sitting in different faces of the protein. The structure of a wrong docking solution that scores better than the real solution shows how correlated residues are marginally closer than in right orientation due to the particular shape of the region in which most of the correlated residues are found.

III.-A further step: correlation between two different proteins.

The same idea, applied above to protein domains, can be used to predict the interaction between different proteins. There is a practical difficulty in testing this idea: currently there are few cases where the three dimensional structure of the protein complex and many corresponding sequences from different species are available.

We have chosen to test the concept using Haemoglobin since the wealth of sequences for this protein made it possible to select an appropriate subset of sequences. We selected the a1-b2 monomers of the tetramer because they contain the functional interface that undergoes structural changes between the oxy- and deoxy- forms (Jayaraman et al., 1995). We generated multiple docking solutions for the a1-b2 dimmer and used, as in previous cases, the information about correlated mutations to discriminate among them. As it can be seen in Figure 5b, there is a clear difference between good solutions and wrong ones. Xd values can be used to discriminate between them: the right solution always scores among the first 6% and the Xd value is 3.36, in the range of the examples of interacting domains shown in Table I. This result is satisfactory, especially in view of the fact that this is a difficult case with a very small interacting surface (Lesk & Chothia, 1980; Perutz, 1978) .

IV.- Prediction of contact between domains in the absence of three dimensional structures.

To illustrate the predictive value of our method we present a prediction of the domain interaction in the heat-shock protein Hsc70. The interaction between the Nt and Ct domains is essential for the function of the protein. The three-dimensional structure is known only for the Nt domain (Flaherty et al., 1990) (ribbon plot in Figure 6). The structure of the Ct domain has been solved recently for DnaK, a related protein (Zhu et al., 1996), but it is not yet publicly available. A cartoon depicting the secondary and super-secondary structure of this protein as assigned by (Morshauser et al., 1995) is shown in Figure 6.

The correlated mutations that we identified for this case clearly predict that two defined regions should be part of the interacting surface. Both regions map in the front face of the Nt domain (with respect to the standard view of Figure 6). This information could be directly tested by mutagenesis experiments and will be ultimately validated by the experimental determination of the complex between the Nt and Ct domains.


The co-evolution of a protein-protein complex in different organisms must leave visible traces at the sequence level. Part of this information can be captured as correlated positions in multiple sequence alignments. We have previously shown that there is indeed a trend for correlated pairs of residues to be closer in space than non-correlated pairs of residues in single domain proteins (Göbel et al., 1994).

Here we verify that this behaviour is characteristic not only for residues in single domains (intra-protein contacts) but also for residues sitting in two different protein domains (inter-protein). The information contained in our definition of correlated mutations is able to discriminate between the real docking solution and many other realistic but wrong alternatives in a significant number of cases. We have tested the method for two-domain proteins, for which it was possible to obtain a collection of examples. We anticipate that the same results hold for interacting proteins. Indeed, in the case of haemoglobin correlated positions between the a and b chains are sufficient to single out the right orientation of the two domains among many alternatives.

We evaluated the performances of the method on known cases, and then used it to carry out a real prediction for the inter-domain interaction of the heat-shock protein hsc70. This example illustrates the potential of the method to generate specific predictions about contacting residues and regions even when the protein structure is unknown.

Limitations of the method.

The ability of correlated positions to discriminate between correct and incorrect relative positions of two domains is clearly related to the degree of physical proximity between the domains. Our interpretation is that only the co-evolution of closely interacting residue leaves detectable signatures at the sequence level.

The case of Calmodulin is instructive, since correlated positions properly describe the domain contacts in the closed form of the protein (2bbm) without being biased by the existence of an open form. Therefore, predictions should only be carried out for interacting proteins, as is the case for Hsc70.

It is important to note that other factors also influence the quality of our predictions; the quality of the alignment, the distribution of sequences in the family and the family size. As a rule of thumb, predictions are reliable only in families with more than 15 sequences. These sequences have to be well distributed, with both distant and close homologues. Since correlation is based on the co-adaptation of proteins, the analysis requires the alignment of co-evolved proteins. Although these data are not yet available for many protein families, the current pace of the different sequencing projects suggests that this limitation will be overcome very soon.

A further limitation of the method is that it is unreliable when applied to homo-multimers because it is impossible to distinguish between signals coming from inter- or intra- monomer contacts. As with NMR studies on homo-multimers, this problem can in principle be solved (O'Donoghue et al., 1996)

Future prospects.

Methods that use the three dimensional structures of the proteins to be docked (Cherfils et al., 1991; Fisher et al., 1995; Helmer-Citterich & Tramontano, 1994; Jackson & Sternberg, 1995; Jiang & Kim, 1991; Shoichet & Kuntz, 1991; Stoddard & Koshland, 1992; Walls & Sternberg, 1992; Katchalski-Katzir et al., 1992) are probably more accurate in the structural detail than the one proposed here. However, our method has the clear advantage that it can be applied in the absence of any structural information, as we have shown here for Hsc70 and the prediction of contacts between domains could be a useful guide for experimental approaches even when structural information is not available.

It remains a major challenge to develop methods for detecting molecular partners using only sequence information. Correlated mutations may be used in this context scanning data-bases of multiple-sequence alignments for cases of compatible signals, presumably found in interacting proteins. For example, should we have a data base where each protein is represented by the same number of homologous sequences all from the same species, then we could in principle inspect the database with a similar multiple alignment of the protein of interest and single out those proteins where the higher number of positions show a similar pattern of variation, that is those which have a higher number of correlated positions with respect to the query sequence.

It remains to be seen whether the development of such a method is feasible, but its existence would be extremely valuable for the various genome analysis projects, where complete cellular systems are only described by the sequence of their components and any procedure able to predict their network of interactions could be of enormous help.


Selection of a test set of two domain proteins.

We have taken the two domain proteins described by different authors (Holm & Sander, 1994; Siddiqui & Barton, 1995; Sowdhamini & Blundell, 1994; Swindells, 1994). From the initial set of 80 protein families, we left out those with less than 15 sequences in the HSSP data-base (Sander & Schneider, 1993). Also discarded were those with many positions with gaps (positions with more than 10% of gaps are not included in the calculation of correlated mutations). Homodimers were also excluded, since it is impossible to distinguish between intra and inter-protein contacts. Our final list has 21 examples of two domain proteins (given in Table I by their PDB identifiers, Bernstein et al., 1977). We deliberately avoided manipulating the input data: multiple sequence alignments and domain definitions were taken directly from public sources. In the case of haemoglobin a and b chain we have treated it as if it were a single protein with two domains by appending the sequences of the b chains to their corresponding a chains. Those species for which only one of the chains (a or b) is known were not included in the alignment. The final grand alignment contains 151 sequences coming from 147 species.

Calculation of correlated mutations and definition of correlation thresholds.

Correlated mutations were calculated as in (Göbel et al., 1994). Each position in the alignment is coded by a distance matrix. This position-specific matrix contains the distances between all pairs of sequences at that position. Distances are defined by the scoring matrix of McLachlan (1971). The association between each pair of positions is calculated as the average of the correlation for each corresponding bin of the position specific matrices. Positions with more than 10% gaps or completely conserved were not included in the calculation.

The exact formula used in our calculation of the correlation coefficient (rij) for each pair of positions i and j of a protein with N proteins in its alignment is:

For each position in the alignment we have a NxN matrix where each element (k and l running from 1 to N) is the similarity (Sikl) between the two residues (k and l) in this position (i) according to the given homology matrix. <Si> is the mean of Sikl, si: standard deviation of Sikl.

Given that the accuracy of the predictions of contacts directly depends on the correlation values (Göbel et al., 1994), the pairs of positions are sorted by their correlation value and the top M residues are defined as predicted contacts, with M proportional to the protein size. For this study, the number is set to half of the sequence length L, a compromise between accuracy of the prediction and the possibility of using a statistically significant number of correlated pairs. In practice the L/2 most correlated pairs of residues are split in three classes, domain I-domain I, domain II-domain II and domain I-domain II. The values given in Table I refer to these classes. In two cases no values are given in the table because there were not enough pairs of residues among the L/2 best correlations.

Distance calculation and definition of the harmonic average (Xd)

We have previously used ACCURACY (number of correctly predicted contacts over total number of predicted contacts) to assess the reliability of predictions of contacts. ACCURACY is not the best measure in the case of domain-domain proximity since we are looking for relative proximity between residues rather than for direct physical contact and in this case it is more reasonable to use a continuous measure of proximity. Distances between pairs of residues are grouped in bins of 4Å and the distribution represented as relative proportions of pairs of contacts. Two different distributions of binned data are obtained for correlated pairs and for all pairs of positions. The difference between the two distributions is calculated bin by bin and weighted by a factor inversely proportional to the normalised distance (in Å) of the corresponding bin to increase the weight of closer distances.

Distances between residues correspond to Cb-Cb distances, Ca for Glycines.

where, n: Number of distance bins; there are 15 equally distributed bins from 4 to 60Å. di: Upper limit for each bin, e.g. 8 for the 4 to 8 bin (normalised to 60). Pic: Percentage of correlated pairs with distance between di and di-1. Pia: The same percentage for all pairs of positions. Defined in this way Xd=0 indicates no separation between the two distance populations, Xd>0 indicates positive cases where the population of correlated pairs is shifted to smaller distances with respect to the population of all pairs.

Generation of alternative docking solutions.

To test if correlated positions contain information about protein-protein docking we compared the distance between correlated pairs of residues in the real structure with the distance in alternative docking solutions.

In the first experiment the full docking space was searched and a set of 7440 docking solutions were generated by rotating the second domain with respect to the first in 30 degrees steps; for each orientation, ten random translations were generated to bring the two domains in contact (744 non-redundant domain I / domain II relative orientations and 10 random translations for each one of them). For the fine-grain search around the real docking solution, a large number of alternative docking solutions were generated with a docking program called ESCHER (Ausiello et al., 1997). Each protein is cut in 1.5Å thick slices and the accessible surface of each slice is described as a polygon with 1.5Å sides. The polygons representing the first protein are orderly superimposed to the polygons representing the second protein and the complementarity between them is evaluated. The evaluation of the geometric fit between the two surfaces depends on the number of sides that can be superimposed maintaining the corresponding vertices at a distance lower than a fixed threshold.

Complementarity is translated into a scoring scheme. A complete search in the rotation space is exerted by rotating the smaller protein in all possible orientations around to the bigger one. The cylindrical symmetry inherent to this kind of approach is very convenient in order to transform a three-dimensional surface matching problem into a simplified two-dimensional polygon comparison, but offers a very poor description of the target domain poles. In the solutions analysed here the target has been described only once with the interaction site parallel to the axis crossing the domain poles. In two cases (c2c and est) different sets of solutions were generated rotating the target protein 90 degrees around the vertical axis. The efficiency of our method was similar considering one or more sets of solutions (not shown). For the purpose of this study the distance between the correct solution and alternative docking solutions is evaluated as the RMS deviation of the position of the second protein after superimposing the first one.


Figure 1. Bar diagrams comparing the proportions of pairs of residues at different distances.

Distributions are represented for all residues (closed bars) and for correlated pairs of residues (open bars) in Papain (9pap). 1a.- Distances between pairs in the two independent domains, and 1b.- Distances between the two domains. Correlated positions are shifted toward smaller distances.

Figure 2. Bar diagrams comparing the proportions of pairs of residues at different distances in two conformational states of Calmodulin.

The distribution of distances between all pairs of residues (closed bars) and correlated pairs (open bars) are compared for the "open" (Figure 2a, 3cln) and "close" (Figure 2b, 2bbm) forms of Calmodulin. There is no interaction between the two domains in the open form (disjoin according to Sowdhamini & Blundell, 1994) and a moderate interaction in the closed form (classified as interacting). The population of correlated mutations is shifted more obviously toward shorter distances when the closed form is used to calculate the distances . We obtained Xd values of 4.31 and 2.19 for the closed and open form, respectively. Notice: In the particular example of Figure 2B there are not correlated pairs at distances between 24 and 28 Å.

Figure 3. Distribution of the Xd values obtained for 7440 docking solutions covering the full docking space for the two domains of Cytochrome C and Trypsin.

X-axis, harmonical difference (Xd) between the distributions of relative distances between all pairs of residues and correlated pairs of positions (see Methods). Y-axis, Number of docking solutions corresponding to each Xd value. 3a) 2c2c: Cytochrome, 3b) 3est: Trypsin. The different solutions cover all the possible range of interactions between the two domains and they have been selected to be physically realistic in surface complementary.

Figure 4. Scatter plot of the values of Xd against RMS.

Y-axis, harmonic difference (Xd) between the distributions of relative distances between all residues and correlated pairs of positions (see Methods). X-axis, RMS between the real structure and the different alternative docking positions. a) 1sgt: Trypsin, b) 2c2c: Cytocrome, c) 9pap: Papain, d) 3rp2: Rat mast cell protease, e) 3est: Elastase, f) 2bbm: Calmodulin bound to sustrate, g) 2pf2: Protrombin, h) 1alc: a-Lactoalbumin, i) 2gcr: Gamma crystallin, j) 3blm: Beta lactamase, k) 1ppl: Penicillopepsin, l) 3adk: Adenylate kinase, m) 3trx: Thioredoxin. The different examples cover all the range of interacting domains. The right solution is always selected among the 8% best docking solutions, except for 2gcr, 3blm, 2pf2 and 3adk (see Table II). Solutions with RMS smaller than 5Å can be considered as valid solutions for the level of resolutions expected from a method based only on sequences (vertical thick line on the plots).

Figure 5. Scatter plot of the values of Xd against RMS for different docking solutions of a) 9pap and b) a1-b2 of haemoglobin (1hbb, Kavanaugh et al., 1992 ).

X-axis, RMS between the real structure and the different alternative docking positions. Y- axis, harmonical difference (Xd) between the distributions of relative distances of all residues and correlated pairs. The right docking solution is among the 5% best scored ones. In the case of haemoglobin it is difficult to generate alternative docking solutions close to the real one since the surface of interaction of the monomers is sharp and small. A ribbon representation of some docking solutions including the real one is shown. The residues participating in the pairs with higher correlation value are highlighted.

Figure 6. Predicted contacts between the N and Ct domains of Hsc70.

In the upper part the three-dimensional structure of the Nt domain (3hsc, Flaherty et al., 1990) is shown as a ribbon plot. A schematic view of the NMR secondary structure assignment of the Ct domain (Morshauser et al., 1995) is shown in the lower panel. Strands are represented by arrows, helices by boxes. The residues undergoing correlated mutations between domains are shown as sticks in the ribbon plot. The 10 best correlations are shaded and connected by lines. Their residue number and code are also given in the figure. Residues participating in the 10 next best correlation are also shown as light colour sticks on the ribbon plot. Additionally, correlations between residues in the Ct domain are represented as broken lines. The figure points to a clear docking solution between the two b sheets of the Ct domain and between the first b sheet of the Ct domain and the back of the Nt domains.


We are indebted to G. Cesareni, G. Casari, C. Ouzounis, U. Göbel and B. Rost for critical reading of the first manuscript draft. We also appreciate interesting discussions with Chris Sander. The help of Anna Tramontano and Sean O'Donoghue in the preparation of the final version and their scientific suggestions have been invaluable to us. The work of the Protein Design group CNB-CSIC in this area is financed by CICYT project BIO94- 1067. "ESCHER" development has been supported by the Supercomputing Resource for Molecular Biology, Human Capital and Mobility Programme, Access to Large Scale Facilities grant, Contract ERBCHGECT940062 and Telethon contract number 902.


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