PsbO structural model using 1hnf as template.
The file is in PDB format. You can use
RasMol or any other molecular visualization program to view it.
You can also configure your web browser to automatically open the visualization
program on clicking PDB files.
The generation of the model is described in:
- Florencio Pazos, Pedro Heredia, Alfonso Valencia & Javier de las Rivas (2001).
Threading Structural Model of the Manganese-Stabilizing Protein PsbO Reveals Presence of
Two Possible beta-Sandwich Domains.
Proteins: Structure, Funcion and Genetics.45(4):372-381.
Dr. Florencio Pazos Cabaleiro.
Protein Design Group.
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia (C.N.B. - C.S.I.C.)
Campus Universidad Autonoma.
Cantoblanco. 28049 Madrid.
Tlf: +34-91-5854570. Fax: +34-91-5854506.