Two possible prediction formats are allowed and shown below. Each format has its own records used for all submissions. The REMARK record is optional in both types.
1.- Residue-Residue contact prediction.
AUTHOR Author's name
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
SEQRES VLVAISLEDM # <- entire target sequence (up to 50 residues per line)
CONTC 1 9 F I 0 8 0.70 # explanation of the data in CONTC lines:
CONTC 3 10 S L 0 8 0.70 # 1.- CONTC indicates that this line contains a predicted pair
CONTC 3 12 S E 0 8 0.60 # 2.- sequence position of the first residue in the pair
CONTC 3 14 S M 0 8 0.60 # 3.- sequence position of the second residue in the pair
CONTC 2 15 L Y 0 8 0.50 # 4.- name in one-letter code of the first residue in the pair
CONTC 2 17 L D 0 8 0.50 # 5.- name in one-letter code of the second residue in the pair
CONTC 5 19 V L 0 8 0.50 # 6.- 0 8: the range of Cb-Cb distance predicted for the residue pair
CONTC 6 8 L A 0 8 0.40 # 7.- probability of contact between the Cb atoms of the residues of the pair
CONTC 3 7 S V 0 8 0.40
CONTC 3 8 S A 0 8 0.30
CONTC 3 15 S Y 0 8 0.30 ** IMPORTANT: the list of contacts must appear sorted by the probability value
CONTC 4 6 D L 0 8 0.20
CONTC 7 14 V M 0 8 0.20 ** IMPORTANT: the first residue in the pair must be the one with the lower sequence number
CONTC 9 14 I M 0 8 0.10
2.- Atomic coordinates (Tertiary Structure).
The primary format used for comparative modelling, threading, meta and ab initio submission categories.
AUTHOR Author's name
REMARK Predictor remarks
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
METHOD Description of methods used
ATOM 17 N VAL A 3 6.308 -12.396 -0.278 1.00 1.70
ATOM 18 CA VAL A 3 5.190 -12.030 -1.187 1.00 1.70
ATOM 19 C VAL A 3 3.954 -12.870 -0.844 1.00 1.70
ATOM 20 O VAL A 3 2.834 -12.471 -1.090 1.00 1.70
ATOM 21 CB VAL A 3 5.608 -12.274 -2.641 1.00 1.70
ATOM 22 CG1 VAL A 3 5.542 -13.771 -2.959 1.00 1.70
ATOM 23 CG2 VAL A 3 4.664 -11.514 -3.573 1.00 1.70
ATOM 24 N GLU A 4 4.146 -14.029 -0.272 1.00 1.70
ATOM 25 CA GLU A 4 2.976 -14.882 0.086 1.00 1.60
ATOM 26 C GLU A 4 2.153 -14.190 1.175 1.00 1.50
ATOM 27 O GLU A 4 0.942 -14.141 1.109 1.00 1.40
ATOM 28 CB GLU A 4 3.465 -16.238 0.597 1.00 1.30
ATOM 29 CG GLU A 4 2.336 -17.264 0.479 1.00 1.20
ATOM 30 CD GLU A 4 2.929 -18.671 0.391 1.00 1.10
ATOM 31 OE1 GLU A 4 4.056 -18.846 0.823 1.00 1.00
ATOM 32 OE2 GLU A 4 2.246 -19.551 -0.108 1.00 0.90