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Eva-CM table for loops data.
This table contains all variables for loop accuracy in the models.
See next names and definitions of the variables in Eva-CM MySQL table.

Variable Definition
Server_nameName of the server eg: SwissModel
WeekWeek of EVA-CM process eg: 2000_30
Target_nameName of the target. eg: 4cpaI.pdb
Target_typeType of target. eg: TRANSFERASE
Target_dateDate of resolution of the target PDB
Model_nameName of the Model. eg: 4cpaI_SwissModel.pdb
Loop_numberLoop number
Number_of_loopsTotal number of loops
Length_of_loopLength of the loop
CA_lg_rmsdCalpha RMSD global superposition of loop
CA_lg_drmsdSame for DRMS
CA_lg_eqposSame for equivalent positions
CA_lg_peqposSame for percentage of equivalent positions
CA_ll_rmsdCalpha RMSD local superposition of loop
CA_ll_drmsdSame for DRMS
CA_ll_eqposSame for equivalent positions
CA_ll_peqposSame for percentage of equivalent positions
MNCH_lg_rmsdMain-Chain RMSD global superposition of loop
MNCH_lg_drmsdSame for DRMS
MNCH_lg_eqposSame for equivalent positions
MNCH_lg_peqposSame for percentage of equivalent positions
MNCH_ll_rmsdMain-Chain RMSD local superposition of loop
MNCH_ll_drmsdSame for DRMS
MNCH_ll_eqposSame for equivalent positions
MNCH_ll_peqposSame for percentage of equivalent positions
SDCH_lg_rmsdSide-Chain RMSD global superposition of loop
SDCH_lg_drmsdSame for DRMS
SDCH_lg_eqposSame for equivalent positions
SDCH_lg_peqposSame for percentage of equivalent positions
SDCH_ll_rmsdSide-Chain RMSD local superposition of loop
SDCH_ll_drmsdSame for DRMS
SDCH_ll_eqposSame for equivalent positions
SDCH_ll_peqposSame for percentage of equivalent positions
ALL_lg_rmsdAll atoms RMSD global superposition of loop
ALL_lg_drmsdSame for DRMS
ALL_lg_eqposSame for equivalent positions
ALL_lg_peqposSame for percentage of equivalent positions
ALL_ll_rmsdAll atoms RMSD local superposition of loop
ALL_ll_drmsdSame for DRMS
ALL_ll_eqposSame for equivalent positions
ALL_ll_peqposSame for percentage of equivalent positions

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