Variable | Definition |
Server_name | Name of the server eg: SwissModel |
Week | Week of EVA-CM process eg: 2000_30 |
Target_name | Name of the target. eg: 4cpaI.pdb |
Target_type | Type of target. eg: TRANSFERASE |
Target_date | Date of resolution of the target PDB |
Model_name | Name of the Model. eg: 4cpaI_SwissModel.pdb |
Loop_number | Loop number |
Number_of_loops | Total number of loops |
Length_of_loop | Length of the loop |
CA_lg_rmsd | Calpha RMSD global superposition of loop |
CA_lg_drmsd | Same for DRMS |
CA_lg_eqpos | Same for equivalent positions |
CA_lg_peqpos | Same for percentage of equivalent positions |
CA_ll_rmsd | Calpha RMSD local superposition of loop |
CA_ll_drmsd | Same for DRMS |
CA_ll_eqpos | Same for equivalent positions |
CA_ll_peqpos | Same for percentage of equivalent positions |
MNCH_lg_rmsd | Main-Chain RMSD global superposition of loop |
MNCH_lg_drmsd | Same for DRMS |
MNCH_lg_eqpos | Same for equivalent positions |
MNCH_lg_peqpos | Same for percentage of equivalent positions |
MNCH_ll_rmsd | Main-Chain RMSD local superposition of loop |
MNCH_ll_drmsd | Same for DRMS |
MNCH_ll_eqpos | Same for equivalent positions |
MNCH_ll_peqpos | Same for percentage of equivalent positions |
SDCH_lg_rmsd | Side-Chain RMSD global superposition of loop |
SDCH_lg_drmsd | Same for DRMS |
SDCH_lg_eqpos | Same for equivalent positions |
SDCH_lg_peqpos | Same for percentage of equivalent positions |
SDCH_ll_rmsd | Side-Chain RMSD local superposition of loop |
SDCH_ll_drmsd | Same for DRMS |
SDCH_ll_eqpos | Same for equivalent positions |
SDCH_ll_peqpos | Same for percentage of equivalent positions |
ALL_lg_rmsd | All atoms RMSD global superposition of loop |
ALL_lg_drmsd | Same for DRMS |
ALL_lg_eqpos | Same for equivalent positions |
ALL_lg_peqpos | Same for percentage of equivalent positions |
ALL_ll_rmsd | All atoms RMSD local superposition of loop |
ALL_ll_drmsd | Same for DRMS |
ALL_ll_eqpos | Same for equivalent positions |
ALL_ll_peqpos | Same for percentage of equivalent positions |