embl = new Array(
"---Other mammals",
"--Other vertebrates",
embl1 = new Array (
"hum rod mam vrt inv fun org pln",
"hum rod mam vrt",
"hum rod mam",
htg = new Array(
"---Other mammals",
"--Other vertebrates",
"--Other invertebrates",
"--Other plants",
htg1 = new Array(
"htg_hum htg_mus htg_rat htg_cow htg_mam htg_dan htg_vrt htg_dro htg_inv htg_ara htg_pln htg_fun",
"htg_hum htg_mus htg_rat htg_cow htg_mam htg_dan htg_vrt",
"htg_hum htg_mus htg_rat htg_cow htg_mam",
"htg_mus htg_rat",
"htg_dro htg_inv",
"htg_ara htg_pln",
est = new Array(
"All (non-redundant)",
"----Other rodents",
"---Other mammals",
"--Other vertebrates",
"--Other invertebrates",
"--Other plants",
est1 = new Array(
"est_hum est_mus est_rat est_rod est_cow est_mam est_dan est_vrt est_dro est_inv est_fun est_ara est_pln", // Eukaryotes
"est_hum est_mus est_rat est_rod est_cow est_mam est_dan est_vrt", // -Vertebrates
"est_hum est_mus est_rat est_rod est_cow est_mam", // --Mammals
"est_hum", // ---Human
"est_mus est_rat est_rod", // ---Rodents
"est_mus", // ----Mouse
"est_rat", // ----Rat
"est_rod", // ----Other rodents
"est_cow", // ---Bovine
"est_mam", // ---Other mammals
"est_dan", // --Zebrafish
"est_vrt", // --Other vertebrates
"est_dro est_inv", // -Invertebrates
"est_dro", // --Drosophila
"est_inv", // --Other invertebrates
"est_fun", // -Fungi
"est_ara est_pln", // -Plants
"est_ara", // --Arabidopsis
"est_pln", // --Other plants
"est_pro" // Prokaryotes
estug = new Array("All", "Human", "Mouse", "Rat", "Bovine", "Zebrafish");
estug1 = new Array("Hs_UG Mm_UG Rn_UG Bt_UG Dr_UG", "Hs_UG", "Mm_UG", "Rn_UG", "Bt_UG", "Dr_UG");
compgen = new Array("All", "Saccharomyces cerevisiae", "Schizosaccharomyces pombe", "Caenorhabditis elegans", "Arabidopsis thaliana", "All microbial genomes");
compgen1 = new Array("yeast pombe worm athseq bacteria", "yeast", "pombe", "worm", "athseq", "bacteria");
estcontigs = new Array("All", "Human", "Mouse", "Rat", "Bovine", "Zebrafish", "Drosophila", "Arabidopsis");
estcontigs1 = new Array("contigs", "Hs_contigs", "Mm_contigs", "Rn_contigs", "Bt_contigs", "Dr_contigs", "At_contigs", "Dm_contigs");
function setMenu(names, values) {
document.form.nucldb.options.length = names.length;
for (var i=0; i < names.length; i++) {
document.form.nucldb.options[i].text = names[i];
document.form.nucldb.options[i].value = values[i];
function nucltypeChanged() {
obj = document.form.nucltype;
var txt = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].text;
objdb = document.form.nucldb;
var prevdb = objdb.options[objdb.selectedIndex].text.toLowerCase();
var newdb;
var newdb1;
if (txt == "All EMBL + GSS (without HTG and ESTs)") {
newdb=embl; newdb1=embl1;
else if (txt == "non-redundant dbEST") {
newdb=est; newdb1=est1;
else if (txt == "dbEST") {
newdb=est; newdb1=est1;
else if (txt == "Unigene EST") {
newdb=estug; newdb1=estug1;
else if (txt == "Complete genomes") {
newdb=compgen; newdb1=compgen1;
else if (txt == "Contigs EST") {
newdb=estcontigs; newdb1=estcontigs1;
else if (txt == "HTG") {
newdb=htg; newdb1=htg1;
else {
obj2 = document.form.nucltype;
document.form.nucldb.options.length = 1;
document.form.nucldb.options[0].text = "N/A";
document.form.nucldb.options[0].value = obj2.options[obj2.selectedIndex].value;
document.form.nucldb.selectedIndex = 0;
var exactmatch; //exact correspondence
var approxmatch;//substring correspondence
var categmatch; //taxonomic correspondence
if (newdb) {
//try to keep the previous nucldb selection
while(prevdb.charAt(0) == "-") {
prevdb = prevdb.substring(1,prevdb.length);
for(i=0; i This NCBI BLAST2 service is maintained by the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics on hardware kindly provided by Click on the
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