SeqAnalRef was initiated by Amos Bairoch in 1995. In fact, it originated
from his personal collection of interesting publications in the field of
sequence analysis and bioinformatics. It was difficult to foresee how
quickly the number of publications would explode, which soon made it a
huge task to keep SeqAnalRef up-to-date.
At the same time, Medline evolved: from a resource access, to which a
subscription was required, to a publicly available database. It started
to include more and more bioinformatic-related journals, thus catering
not only for physicians and wet-lab biologists but also for
bioinformaticians. SeqAnalRef has not been updated since February 1996.
However, we chose to keep the last SeqAnalRef release accessible through
ExPASy, as it does contain a number of abstracts, mainly of papers
published in mathematical and computer-related journals, which are still
not included in PubMed.