Initial screen
Searching for chemical compounds
Searching for reactions
Searching for enzymes
Chemical compounds data (camphor)
Some reactions involving toluene
Some enzymes present in Pseudomonas putida
Controlling the selection and representation of pathways
Canonical 3D structure of camphor
Biodegradative pathways for trinitro-toluene (TNT) showing compound names
and synonyms, smiles code, solubility and enzymes. Enzymes colored by EC-1 and
chemical compounds by solubility
Biodegradative pathways for camphor showing the molecular structures of the
compounds and other information
Biodegradative pathways for gallate showing the enzymes involved.
Full degradative pahtways for toluene
Degradative pahtways for toluene for which the required enzymes
are present in Pseudomonas putida
Degradative pahtways for atrazine
Editing physico-chemical properties of limonene